409 Outline: June Events around Southeast Texas!
Hello June! June feels a little like waking up from a dream for us, and we can’t go on without mentioning the new look! 409Family.com got a makeover – how do you like our glow-up?! As much as you all loved the first version, it was simply problem after problem on the backend that frustrated and limited us in so many ways. This new version, Version 2.0, Operation Glow-Up feels a little like starting all over, but with all the excitement and joy that we never really let ourselves experience back in April due to the ongoing issues. We literally rebuilt the site from the ground up this past weekend. Every aspect of it is brand spanking new, and our minds and hearts are all aflutter at all the possibilities! We are obviously thrilled with it, but be sure to let us know what you think – all of this is for YOU, after all.
May was a frenzied hurricane of activities that left us feeling more than a little frantic, burnt out, and overwhelmed, so we’re so glad to see June sweeping in! After what we not-so-affectionately dubbed “Maypocalypse”, we’re hoping that June lives up to the understated hype of understated summer days. Here’s to popsicles, playing in the sprinklers, library visits, counting pool time as bath time, staying out until after dark, no bedtimes, flashlight tag, glow in the dark chalk, catching lightning bugs, and all the other sweet, sweet joys of summer.
Because of the site rebuild this past weekend, the Community Event Calendar is still a work in progress. We’re adding events, summer camps, Vacation Bible schools every day – so while it’s a bit incomplete now, keep checking back for all the new events that are being added!
Need a little help filling the hours during June?
We’ve got you covered with the Community Event Calendar!
Click Events > Monthly Calendar to see a Map view, search by location, filter by age group, and more!
New! You can now submit your events to the calendar! We do the best we can to compile and curate events for the area, but we’re just two gals and this is just one ring in our multi-ring circus extravaganza. All of us joining hands is what makes 409Family.com so special, unique, and already an amazing success and asset to the community.
Calendar of Events
M Mon
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W Wed
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S Sun
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Summer Reading Program – Vidor
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Summer Reading Program – Vidor
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