409 family

Memories of Easter

Last Updated: October 25, 2023By

I remember as a child seeing my mom prepare for Easter Sunday. I was always excited because I knew I was getting new clothes, a dress and shoes for church. I remember one Easter, Mom bought me these white earrings and a matching necklace. I thought I was the queen of the south. I was so beautiful in the plastic jewelry. After church my two brothers and I had an Easter egg hunt. There was a bunny cake and an Easter basket for each of us! Oh boy! We couldn’t wait to tear into those Easter baskets. Some years, she made them, other years she bought them, but either way we were so ready to break them open. Easter was such a special time for us. We spent time with mom boiling eggs and dying eggs. We sometimes made a mess of things, but every year we would do it again! We looked forward to Easter!

As a child, I remember everyone that we knew went to church on Easter. We didn’t understand what it was all about, but we knew it was something special about that day. We felt extra loved and the church gave us eggs.

When we went to church, something would happen to the adults where they would cry and people would pray for them and they seemed happier somehow. As an adult, I now understand. People were happier because they had laid down heavy weights that they had been carrying. They had hope again because they were reminded that God’s love is bigger than anything they face.

Many celebrate Easter in a variety of ways. What’s most important is that it celebrates the true meaning of Easter!

Easter is more than the bunny, eggs, candy, grass, new clothes and even family time. Easter is about the greatest love in action. “No greater love than this for a man to lay down His life for a friend”.

Do you want to know more about this divine love? Do you want to explain this love in simple terms to others, including children? Here’s a helpful resource: https://www.fathersloveletter.com/

Here are some ideas to make lasting memories with your kids: https://instagram.com/7daysofplay?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

A list of churches in case you are looking for one to attend on Resurrection Sunday (Easter).

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Nulla turp dis cursus. Integer liberos  euismod pretium faucibua

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